To be a good chinese physician it take years of experience to grasp and apply the knowledge effectively on diseases through careful observation of the many signs and symptom(based on Yin-Yan)s,body nature of person(based on Yin-Yan),inferred and prepare "logically" the RIGHT COMBINATION of herbs(based on Yin-Yan) herbs ,based on the established DIGNOSIS PRINCIPLE and HERB FORMULAE. Theefore he is required to aquire sufficient knowledge on HERB CLASSIFICATION and HERB NATURE,in addition to right analysis/conclusion 0f the decion thorough inspection/understanding the condition/state of patient to be treated. It's really an art which is NOT easy! A chinese physician need to do a lot of comparative study on cases including case study from published jourmals on reasearch and treatment ,to upgrade/correlate the knowlege in the interpretation of disease,and concord the appropriate herb formula.
升 是上升、升提的意思,指能治病勢下陷的藥。
降 是下降、降逆的意思,指能治病勢上逆的藥。
浮 是輕浮、上行發散的意思,指能治病位在表的藥。
沉 是重沉、下行泄利的意思,指能治病位在裡的藥。
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The Eight Outlines 八綱辨證:
yin and yang,/ external and internal/, hot and cold,/ weak and strong.
There are four diagnostic methods, namely, inspection, listening and smelling, inquiring and palpation.[Based on Yin-Yan]. Four diagnostic methods are the four approaches to understand the pathological conditions. As human body is an organic entity, its regional pathological changes may affect the whole body, and the pathological changes of the internal organs may manifest themselves on the body surface. By making analysis and synthesis of the pathological conditions formed by applying the four diagnostic methods, the doctor, therefore, can determine the causative factors and nature of the disease, thus providing basis for further differentiation and treatment.
Four clinical diagnostics
Yin Syndromes
Pale or dark complexion, tiredness and likes to lie down, lack of strength, does not like physical activities, fat slippery tongue with oily look.
Listening and Smelling
Voice is weak, quiet and dislikes talking, weak breathing, short of breath.
Foul smelling feces, lack of appetite, uneasiness and not thirsty, or prefers warm beverages, urination is long and clear or short of urine.
Stomach is painful and likes to be pressed, body and feet are cold, pulse is deep, thin, slow and weak.
External 表
Internal 裏
Location of Illness
skin and hair, muscle and meridians
zang fu, blood vessels, and bone marrow
Cold Syndromes 寒證
Hot Syndromes 熱證
Warm and Cold Preferences/寒熱喜惡
Prefers warm and dislikes cold/惡寒喜熱
Prefers cold and dislikes warm/惡熱喜寒
Thirst口渴/ not thirsty不渴
thirsty and likes cold drink渴喜冷飲
color of face面色: pale白/red or pink/紅赤
limbs四肢:cold冷,hot熱 feces大便:loose 稀溏 rigid秘結
urine小便 :light color and long duration清長
dark and short duration短赤
tongue舌象=pale and with white coating
red and with yellow coating
Weak (deficient) Syndromes
(xu zheng)
Strong Syndromes
(shi zheng)
length of illness
illness has been lasting for long duration
illness has been lasting for short duration
body type體質:weak必虛弱strong必粗壯
energy精神low and depressed萎靡excited興奮
Voice and breath聲息:low voice and weak breath 聲低息微strong voiceand strong breath 聲高息粗
pain:疼痛:likes being pressed喜按does not like being pressed拒按
fullness in chest and abdomen胸腹脹滿:
not painful when pressed. Fullness comes and goes.
painful when pressed. Fullness does not subside.
chest, palms and soles are uncomfortably warm. Feverish in the afternoon.
hot body
chill sensation subsides when the body is covered or in a warm environment
chill sensation does not subside when the body
is covered or in a warm environment
tongue phenomenon舌象:
tongue has tender look. No fur or little fur.
tongue has aged look and fur is thick and has an
oily look.
pulse phenomenon脈象:weak無力strong有力
Zang Fu Diagnostics 臟腑辨證:
(to be loaded)
Heart and Small Intestine Channels Diagnostics 心與小腸病辨證
syndromes 證候
Similarity 相同點
differences 不同點
heart qi deficient
palpitation, heaviness in chest area and short of breath, especially after physical activities, and instant sweating.
pale complexion, pale tongue with white fur, weak pulse
heart yang deficient
cold limbs and dislikes coldness, angina pectoris, pale and dark complexion, fat and pale tongue with white and slippery fur, small and thin pulse.
heart yang abruptly dropping(Note: very dangerous sign)
sudden cold sweat, cold limbs, weak breathing, pale and green complexion, blue lips, dizzy or faint, bluish tongue, small and thin pulse as if expiring.
biao xu (external deficient) 表虚//blood deficient 血虛 // blood stasis 血淤//
damp-heat 濕熱//damp phlegm and qi stagnation 痰 濕 氣 滯//
feng han (wind cold syndrome) 風寒癥狀//feng re (wind heat syndrome) 風熱癥狀//
gan qi yu jie 肝氣鬱結//gan shen yin xu (liver-kidney yin deficient) 肝腎陰虚//
gu zheng lao re 骨蒸勞熱//liver qi stagnation 肝氣鬱結//
liver-kidney yin deficient 肝腎陰虚//liver yang ascending 肝 陽 上亢//
liver and spleen inharmony 肝脾失和//
Damp phlegm with qi and blood stasis 痰濕氣滞血瘀//
pixu (spleen deficient) 脾虛 //qizi (stagnation) 氣滯//
qixu (qi deficient) 氣虛//san jiao (triple burner / three warmer) 三 焦
shenxu (kidney deficient) 腎虛//shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient)腎陽虛//
shenyinxu (kidney yin deficient) 腎陰虛//wind cold syndrome (feng han) 風寒癥狀//
xinqixu (heart qi deficient) 心氣虛//xinyangxu (heart yang deficient) 心陽虛//
xu huo, Deficient Fire 虛火//xue re (heat in blood) 血熱//
xue xu (blood deficient) 血虛//xue yu (blood stasis) 血淤//
yangxu (yang deficient)陽虛//yinxu (yin deficient) 陰虛//
Click=>現 代中藥辭典(chinese_herbs_dictionary. 中英藥名. )
Samples of Established Classical Chinese Herb Formulae(note: 首先必須依據辨証論治的需要,選定恰當的葯物 Need to be modified for actual application based on the RIGHT KNOWLEDGE ,dont simply take it for granted.)
Click on the links for explanations of uses.
an zhong san 安中散//ba wei shun qi wan 八 味 順 氣 丸// ba zhen tang 八珍湯//ba zheng san 八正散//bai dai wan 白帶 丸// bai hu tang 白虎湯//bai zhu shao yao san 白朮芍藥散//ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang 半夏白朮天麻湯//ban xia xie xin tang 半夏瀉心湯//bie jia jian wan 鱉甲煎丸//bu jin wan 補金丸 //bu shen gu chi wan 補 腎固齒丸//bu yang huan wu tang 補 陽 還 五 湯//bu zhong yi qi tang, 補中益氣湯//chai hu gui zhi tang 柴胡桂枝湯//chai hu gui zhi gan jiang tang 柴胡桂枝乾薑湯//chai hu jia long gu mu li tang柴 胡加龍骨牡蠣湯//chai hu shu gan tang 柴胡疏肝湯// cheng_shang_san cheng 澄傷散//chong shen wan 重參丸// da chai hu tang 大柴 胡湯//da cheng qi tang 大 承氣湯// da huang zhe chong wan 大 黃 蟅 蟲 丸//dan fan san 蛋礬 散// dian dao san 顛倒散//dan zhi xiao yao san 丹梔逍遙散//dang gui jian zhong tang 當歸 健中湯,// dang gui liu huang tang 當歸六黃湯//dang gui nian tong tang 當歸拈痛湯//dang gui shao yao san 當歸芍藥散//dang gui si ni tang 當歸四逆湯//dao chi san 導赤 散//di fu zi fang 地膚子方//di yu wan 地 榆 丸// ding chuan tang 定喘湯//ding he wan 定鶴丸//ding xiang shi di tang 丁香 柿蒂 湯//du huo ji sheng tang 獨活寄生湯//e jiao ji yin tang 阿膠 濟陰湯//e jiao huang lian tang 阿膠黃連湯//e jiao huang qin tang 阿膠黃芩湯//er chen tang 二陳湯//er xian tang 二 仙 湯//er wei xiao feng san 二味消風散//fetus pacifying porridge 安 胎 鯉 魚 粥//gan mai da zao tang 甘麥大棗湯// ge gen tang 葛 根 湯//gu shen an tai yin 固腎安胎飲//gui pi tang 歸脾湯//gui shen wan 歸腎丸//gui zhi fu ling wan 桂枝茯苓丸// gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang 桂枝芍藥知母湯//gui zhi tang 桂枝湯//he rong san jian wan 和榮散堅丸//hong hua san 紅花散//
huang lian e jiao tang 黃連阿膠湯//huang lian jie du tang 黃連解毒湯// huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang 黃耆桂枝五物湯// ji sheng shen qi wan 濟生腎氣丸//jia wei gui pi tang 加味歸脾湯//jiao ai tang, 膠艾湯//jiao san xian 焦三仙//jin gui shen qi wan 金 櫃腎氣丸// jiu nao tang 救腦湯//Kong sheng zheng zhong dan 孔聖枕中丹// li zhong tang 理中湯//Li Dong Yuan qing feng san, 李東垣清風散// ling gui zhu gan tang 苓桂朮甘湯//liu yi san 六一散//liu jun zi tang 六君子湯//liu shen wan 六神丸//liu wei di huang wan 六味地黃丸// long dan xie gan tang 龍膽瀉肝湯//lu jiao jiao porridge 鹿角膠粥// ma huang tang 麻黃湯//ma huang fu zi xi xin tang 麻黃附子細辛湯//ma xing yin gan tang 麻杏薏甘湯//niu huang jie du pian 牛 黃解毒片// niu che shen qi wan 牛車腎氣丸//pai luan fang 排卵方// Pai nong fang 排膿方//pai nong san 排膿散//ping xiao san 平消散//pu ji xiao du yin 普濟消毒飲//qing huang san 青黃散方qu yin yu xin dan 啟陰娛心丹// ren shen bai du san 人參敗毒散//ren shen yang rong tang 人 參 養榮湯// rong gui bai bu wan 茸桂百補丸//san bi tang 三 痹 湯 // San Zhong Kui Jian Tang 散腫 潰堅湯//san zi yang qing tang 三子養親湯//sang ju yin 桑菊飲// sang shen hei fa wan 桑椹黑 髮丸//shao fu zhu yu tang 少腹逐瘀湯// shao yao gan cao tang 芍 藥甘 草湯//shen gui bai bu wan 參桂百補丸//shen ling bai zhu san 參苓白朮 散//shen lou san 參樓散//,shen zhu wan 參朮丸// sheng hua tang 生化湯//sheng jiang san 生降 散//sheng ma ge gen tang 生麻葛根湯// sheng mai san 生 脈 散//sheng tie luo yin 生鐵落飲//sheng yang chu shi fang feng tang 生陽除濕防風湯//shi tan san 十炭散//shi quan da bu tang 十全大補湯//shu jing huo xue tang 舒經活血湯//si jun zi tang 四君子湯//si ni tang 四逆湯//si shen wan 四神丸//si wu tang 四物湯, //si jun zi tang 四君子湯//
si wu tang 四物湯//,si wu xiao yao tang 四物逍 遙湯//suan zao ren tang 酸棗仁湯//
tao he cheng qi tang 桃核承氣湯//tao hong si wu tang 桃紅四物湯// tian ma gou teng yin 天麻鉤藤飲//tian ma wan 天麻 丸//tian wang bu xin dan 天王補心丹// tu ji san 禿 雞散//tuo_hua_jian 脫花煎//wan dai fang 完帶方//wen jing tang 温經湯//wu ji bai feng wan 烏雞白鳳丸//wu ling san 五苓 散//wu wei yi gong san 五味異功散//wu zhu yu tang 吳茱萸湯//wu zi yan zong wan 五子衍宗丸// xiao chai hu tang 小柴胡湯//xiao jian zhong tang 小健中湯//xiao jin dan 小金丹//xiao luo wan 消瘰 丸//xiao yao san 逍遙散//xiao xu ming tang 小續命湯//
xiao Yao Wan, 逍遙丸//xing su san 杏蘇 散//xuan fu hua dai zhe shi tang 旋 覆花代赭 石湯//
xue fu zhu yu tang 血府逐瘀 湯//yi huang san tang 易黃散湯//yi yi fu zi bai jiang san 薏苡附子敗醬 散//yi yi ren tang 薏苡仁湯//yi zi tang 已字湯 //yin chen hao tang 茵陳蒿湯//
yin hua jie du dan 銀花 解毒散//yin qiao san 銀翹散//you gui wan 右歸丸// yu nu jian 玉女煎//yu Ping Feng San, 玉屏風散//yu xin dan 娛心丹// yue ju wan 越鞠丸//zhen wu tang 真武湯//zhi bai di huang wan 知柏地黃丸// zhi gan cao tang 炙甘草湯//zhi shi da huang tang 枳實大黃 湯// zhi shi shao yan san 枳實芍藥散/zuo gui wan 左歸 丸/
總之,每一方劑葯味的多少,以及君臣佐使是否齊備,全視病情與治法的需要。現以麻黃湯為例分析如下: 君麻黃_發汗散寒,宣肺平喘。臣桂枝_助麻黃解表,調和營衛。佐杏仁_宣利肺氣,配合麻黃宣肺散邪。使甘草_調和諸葯,並可延緩葯力,以防麻桂發汗太過。
Formulae of Traditional Chinese Medicine In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbal therapies are generally formula based and single herbs are rarely used. TCM holds that every medicinal substance has its strengths and its shortcomings, and each ingredient in the formula should be carefully balanced in quality and quantity, in order to accentuate its efficacy while reducing side effects.The herbs are not simply added in a cumulative fashion but combined according to particular principles. Firstly, through a unique diagnostic process, physicians discern the subtle patterns according to the symptoms of the individual, which then guides them to determine therapeutic and to design or select proper formulae. Take influenza as an example:
1.Present symptoms: chill, fever, headache, generalized aching, panting and no sweating; thin and whitish coating on the tongue; floating and tense pulse..
2. TCM disharmony pattern: exterior syndrome due to exogenous wind-cold.
3.Therapeutic strategies: exterior syndrome is relieved by diaphoretic therapy (promotes perspiration) and the wind-cold invasion can be removed by pungent and warm herbs.
4.Matched classical formula: Ephedra Decoction (Ma Huang Tang) that consists of ephedra, cinnamon twigs, bitter apricot kernel and liquorice root.
As TCM physicians always focus on disharmony pattern, combination of herbs should address these presentations exactly. Since a TCM formula contains multiple interactive ingredients, it is customarily to rank the compositions in four groups when analyzing the role they play in the formula.
The ingredient that exerts the major and leading effects in a formula. Generally, monarch drugs should constitute the largest proportion of a formula; a competent formula usually only contains one to two principal herbs so that the therapeutic effects can be focused.
Also known as the associate ingredient usually refers to two different functions. One is to support the monarch drug to exert major actions on the body, and the second is to improve and treat the accompanying symptoms or coexisting disharmony pattern. In comparison with the monarch drug, the minister drug usually has a weaker action.
The ingredients can play one of the following three roles in a formula. One is to reinforce the effects of the monarch or minister drug or to treat the less important coexisting patterns. The second role is to eliminate the toxicity of the monarch and minister ingredients, or modulate their harsh properties, and the third is to provide paradoxical assistance.
These have two different functions. One is to force the actions of the formula on the target meridian or area of the body; and the second is to harmonize and integrate the effects on other drugs.
With reference to the Ephedra Decoction mentioned above, we can see how the ingredients interact with each other. In the formula, ephedra serves as the monarch herb for dispelling the pathogens on the exterior and relieving most of the symptoms. Cinnamon twigs aids ephedra in inducing sweating and expelling the pathogens on the exterior, and thus has a minister role. Bitter apricot kernel helps the ephedra in enhancing the lung so as to ease panting, a less important condition and thus is considered an assistant herb. Liquorice root modulates the harsh properties of ephedra and cinnamon twigs and also acts in the assistant role. Since the first three herbs are all work similarly, it is not necessary to use a guiding herb in the formula. In addition, due to the complexity of individual conditions, the dose, the preparation method and even additional herbal components will frequently be modified. This part of skills needs extensive training and actual clinical experience.After centuries of practice, scholars perfected various formulae for some typical disharmony patterns, and today, these classic formulae have become the basis for modern day usage. Many of them are so popular that they have been manufactured as patent remedies and are available in health stores. Appropriate formula prescriptions based on accurate differential diagnosis can only be made by qualified TCM physicians. It is important to consult a qualified TCM physician to help you select the most appropriate formula
Commercial (non-classical) formulae:
Po Chai Pills 保濟丸 [A common and inexpensive pills for stomach ach and purging.We use it in my family --very effective and convenient. You can easily get it in any medical shops,sundry shops,even in supermarkets.]
skin fungus lotion 擦癬藥水[Very cheap and effective, the smell like containing PHENOL,dont use on face, got to bear the slight pain!Get it in any chinese medical shop. For EXTERNAL USE ONLY!!]
Basic Vocabulary/Terminology/References In TCM usage:
Sorted by English Name (click it,some may not work):
A-shi point // Abnormal pulse reading //Acupoint injection //Acupoint //Anorexia //Apoplexy //Arm Jue Yin Pericardium Meridian //Arm Shao Yang Triple Burner Meridian //Arm Shao Yin Heart Meridian //Arm Tai Yang Small Intestine Meridian //Arm Tai Yin Lung Meridian //Arm Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian //Arrival of qi //Assistant herbs //Astringency //Asthenia-syndrome of superficies //Bi syndrome //
Bladder //Blood //Body constitutions//Bone atrophy syndrome//Bone flaccidity syndrome //Carbuncle //Channel bi syndrome //Chest oppression //Chinese qi-gong// Chinese therapeutic food// Cold evils //Cold pain //Collapse of yang///Collapse of yin //Conception Vessel Meridian //Consumptive disease //Cun, guan, chi //Cupping //Damp-heat //Dampness evil //Dan tian //Decoction //Deficiency type gasp //Delirium// Diagnostic methods //Dietetic restraint //Diarrhea //Disharmony pattern / diagnostic pattern / syndrome //Dryness evil //Dual modulation //Eight-length brocade exercise //Eight therapies //Embryo //Endogenous cold syndrome //Endogenous dampness syndrome// Endogenous dryness syndrome //Endogenous heat syndrome //Endogenous wind syndrome //Entering a quiet state //Enuresis //Essence, Jing, kidney essence, essential qi //Exogenous evils //External six evils //Fire and heat evils //Five elements theory //Five movements and six influences //Five zang organs //Fluid //Flush channel //Four energies & five flavors //Genuine qi //Gall bladder //Governor Vessel Meridian //Guide herbs //Half exterior-half interior type //Healthy energy //eart //Heart disharmony //Heart energy //Hectic fever //Holistic approach //Hysteria //Impotence //Inspection //Internal damages caused by seven emotions //Jaundice //idney //Kidney disharmony// Kidney yin & kidney yang //Kidneys dominate anterior and posterior orifices //Kidneys manifest in the hair //idneys open into the ears //Kidneys rule the bones //Kidneys rule the grasping of qi//
Kidneys rule water //Kidneys store essence (jing) //Large intestine //Leg Jue Yin Liver Meridian //Leg Shao Yang Gall Bladder Meridian //Leg Shao Yin Kidney Meridian //Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian //Leg Tai Yin Spleen Meridian //Leg Yang Ming Stomach Meridian //Leukorrhagia //Lifting, lowering, floating & sinking //Listening & smelling //Liver //Liver disharmony //Locations of pain //Lung //Lung disharmony //Massage therapy //Meridian //Metrorrhagia //Minister herbs //Monarch fire //Monarch herbs //Moxibustion //Muscular striae //Nature of pain //Night sweating //Normal pulse reading //Numbness of limbs //Nutrient essence //Obesity //Organs //Orifices //Otopuncture therapy// Over-heated stomach //verstrain //Palpation //Palpitation //Pathogen //Pericardium// Pestilential evil //Phlegm //rime minister fire //rimordial energy// Primordial yin //rotective qi rurigo//Pulse study//Qi//Qi-gong reactions //Questioning //history taking// Rectum prolapse //Reducing method //Retention of the needle //Reverse flow of qi //Scraping therapy //Sea of marrow //Seminal emission / spermatorrhea //Seven modes of emotions //Shanghan //Shortness of breath //Simultaneous exterior and interior type //Six fu organs// Small intestine //Special pathological conditions //Spirit / mind //Spleen //Spleen disharmony //Spontaneous sweating//Stirring fetus //Striae //Stomach //Stool //Supprative and ulcerous diseases //Syndrome differentiation// Syndrome differentiation according to defense, vital energy, nutrient & blood// Syndrome differentiation according to the eight principles //Syndrome differentiation according to the organs (zang fu) //Syndrome differentiation according to the six meridians //Syndromes differentiation according to the twelve regular meridians ///Syndromes of deficiency type / asthenia syndromes //Syndromes of excess type / sthenia syndromes //syndromes of exterior type //yndromes of interior type //aijichuan //CM chronology è ///Ten Questions Song è //enesmusè// hree kinds of pathogenic factors ///ian gui //Tonificationè //ongue signsè // riple burner //rine //aporization// irtual fire //ital gate //Vitiligo //eifen syndrome //enbing //ind evil //ind-dampness evil //omen specialty //ang deficiency //ng qi //ang vacuity with internal cold //in deficiency //in fluid //in vacuity leading to internal heat //ingfen syndrome //Yin & Yang //
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a shi xue 阿是穴//ba duan jin 八段錦//ba fa 八法//ba gang bian zheng 八綱辨証//ba huo guan 拔火罐//bai dian feng 白癜風//ban biao ban li 半表半裏//beng lou 崩漏 //bi zheng 痹証//bian zheng 辨証///biao li tong bing 表裏同病///biao xu 表虛//biao zheng 表証//bing mai xiang 病脈象//bing xie 病邪//bu fa 補法//chao re 潮熱//chen yao 臣藥//chong mai 衝脈//chuang yang 瘡瘍//cou li 腠理//cu zhong 卒中 //cun, guan, chi 寸關尺//da bian 大便///da chang 大腸//da shi nian biao 大事年表//dai xia 帶下//dan tian 丹田//dan 膽//dao han 盜汗// de qi 得氣//du mai 督脈 //er zhen liao fa 耳針療法//fei bing 肺病//fei pang 肥胖//fei 肺//feng shi 風濕//feng xie 風邪 //fu ke 婦科//gan bing 肝病//gan 肝//gu se/ shou lian 固澀/收斂//gu suo bing 骨縮病//gu wei 骨痿//gua sha 刮痧//han xie 寒邪 //huang dan 黃疸//huo xie/ re xie 火或熱邪 //ji cou 肌腠//ji kou 忌口//jian yao 煎藥 //jin ye 津液 //jing luo bian zheng 經絡辨証 //jing luo 經絡 //jing/shen jing 精,腎精//jiu fa 灸法 //jun huo 君火//jun yao 君藥//lao shang 勞傷//leng tong 冷痛//li ji hou zhong 裏急後重//li qi 癘氣//li zheng 裏証//liu fu 六腑 //liu jing bian zheng 六經辨証 //liu zhen 留針//mai bi 脈痹//mai zhen 脈診//ming men 命門//na dai 納呆 //nei feng 內風//nei han 內寒// nei re 內熱 //nei shang qi qing 內傷七情 //nei shi 內濕//nei zao 內燥// pang guang 膀胱 //pi bing 脾病 //pi 脾 //ping mai / chang mai 平脈 / 常脈//qi duan 氣短//qi gong fan ying 氣功反應 //qi hua 氣化//qi qing 七情//qi yi 氣逆//qi 氣 //qie zhen 切診 //qing qiao 清竅//ren mai 任脈 //ru jing 入靜//san jiao 三焦 //san yin 三因 //shang han 傷寒//she xiang 舌象 //shen bing 腎病//shen cang jing 腎藏精 //shen hua zai fa 腎華在髮//shen kai qiao yu er yin 腎開竅于二陰//shen kai qiao yu er 腎開竅于耳 //shen yin shen yang 腎陰腎陽//shen zhu gu 腎主骨 //shen zhu na qi 腎主納氣 //shen zhu shui 腎主水//shen 神 //shen 腎//sheng jiang fu chen 升降浮沉// shi re 濕熱//shi wen ge 十問歌//shi xie 濕邪 //shi yao 使藥 //shi zheng 實証 //shou jue yin xin bao jing 手厥陰心包經// shou shao yangsan jiao jing 手少陽三焦經//shou shao yin xin jing 手少陰心經//shou tai yang xiao chang jing 手太陽小腸經//shou tai yin fei jing 手太陰肺經// shou yang ming da chang jing 手陽明大腸經//shuang xiang tiao jie 雙向調節 //shui gu jing wei 水谷精微//si qi wu wei 四氣五味 //si zhi ma mu 四肢麻木//sui hai 髓海//tai dong bu an 胎動不安//tai ji chuan 太極拳//tai yuan 胎元 //tan 痰//te shu bing li 特殊病理 //teng tong bu wei 疼痛部位 //teng tong xing zhi 疼痛性質//ti zhi 體質//tian gui 天癸 //tui na 推拿//tuo gang 脫肛//wai gan liu yin 外感六淫//wai xie 外邪 //wang yang zheng 亡陽証 //wang yin zheng 亡陰証//wang zhen 望診 //wei fen zheng 衛分証//wei qi ying xue bian zheng 衛氣營血辨証 //wei qi 衛氣// wei re 胃熱//wei 胃 //wen zhen 問診 //wen zhen 聞診 //wenbing 溫病 //wu xing xue shuo 五行學說//wu yun liu qi 五運六氣 //wu zang 五臟 //xiang huo 相火// xiao bian 小便//xiao chang 小腸//xie fa 瀉法//xie xie 泄瀉// xin bao luo 心包絡 //xin bing 心病 //xin fan 心煩 //xin ji / zheng chong 心悸及怔忡 //xin qi 心氣//xin 心 //xu chuan 虛喘 //xu lao 虛勞//xu re / xu huo 虛熱或虛火 //xu zheng 虛証//xue feng chuang 血風瘡 //xue wei zhu she liao fa 穴位注射療法//xue 血// yang qi 陽氣//yang wei 陽痿// yang xu er han 陽虛而寒//yang xu 陽虛 //yi jing 遺精//yi niao 遺尿 //yin xu huo wang 陰虛火旺 //yin xu 陰虛 //yin yang 陰陽 //yin ye 陰液 //ying fen zheng 營分証 //yong 癰 //yu xue 腧穴//yuan qi 元氣 //zang fu bian zheng 臟腑辨証//zang fu 臟腑 //zang zao 臟躁//zao xie 燥邪 //zhan yu 譫語//zhen fa 診法//zhen qi 真氣//zhen yin 真陰 //zheng hou 証候 //zheng qi 正氣//zheng ti guan nian 整體觀念 //zhong guo qi gong 中國氣功//zhong yi shi liao 中醫食療 //zi han 自汗 //zu jue yin gan jing 足厥陰肝經 //zu shao yang dan jing 足少陽膽經//zu shao yin shen jing 足少陰腎經// zu tai yang pang guang jing 足太陽膀胱經 //zu tai yin pi jing 足太陰脾經 //zu yang ming wei jing 足陽明胃經// zuo yao 佐藥 /
Nearly half the US populations turns to complementary, alternative and integrative practices to maintain or improve their health. Beverly Burns of UCSF's Osher Center for Integrative Medicine explores traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, meridians and chi. Series: "UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public" [12/2007] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 13073]
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