Stress, caused by an imbalance between external environmental demands and conflict within the consciousness that demand the ability from the coping resources of the individual
SUBJECTIVELY—Feeling of distress.
BEHAVIORAL—Disturbance to personal and interpersonal functioning and performance.
PHYSIOLOGICAL—Ultimately triggering off chemical and biological changes(digestion, immunity, hormone and even properly function of heart and brain affected ).
When untreated, it undermines the WELLNESS even can kill the body, mind and soul.-- WITHOUT CLINICAL SYNTOMPS!
The world and people are changing so fast that cause trauma to so many souls at the rate medical science is not able to cope in medication and diagnosis of symptoms--Because it involve the soul and spirit man.
The following article is included to illustrate some of the above statements made on SELF----AS THE MICRO WORLD.
Vice President Al Gore stated in Earth in Balance: Ecology of the Human Spirit that "History is change, and change is a relentless driving force. Now that the human community has developed into a truly global community, we have a choice; either we search for the means to steer the changes shaping our new common history or we will be steered by them - randomly and chaotically. Either we move toward the light or we move toward the darkness."
This quote prompts us to ask a very pertinent question, "What if we could find the switch to turn off the violence in our world?" What if we discovered that the keys to ending the generation-upon-generation cyclic nature of violence are forged within the smallest of children, the new-born and the yet to be born? And, what if we fully understood that the quality of the memories of these early experiences become the chemistry and energy of later behavior, as well as the many layered consciousness by which the adults that these children become, perceive and react to the world around them?
Given these facts, at a time when there is great concern about the failure to stem the rising tide of abuse and violence world wide, nevertheless there is hope.
Changing society will require a radical change in how we perceive health of body, mind and soul. Such change demands an awareness of how what is biological interacts with the environment to render the physiological and an awareness of energy and the controlling power of its forbears in memory and consciousness. The implications for change in the prevention, treatment and management of these many disorders - particularly those that result in soul injury and violence - is ground breaking.
In light of what we know about memory and consciousness et cetera, and their imprinting on our neural pathways (particularly those that affect response), FREE WILL cannot be an unconditioned, conscious decision to follow one path or another. Behavior is a trajectory pursued and heavily influenced by the memories of many origins.
However, we can be disembodied from the effects of these inter-generational memories in terms of behavior. It is possible to change the quality of soul energy and its felt quality and therefore the consequences of negative memories and injured consciousness.
Within this context, because the locks and keys of neural transmission and the store houses of memory and consciousness in children are developmentally more susceptible to change than in adults, the healing of the brokenness of humanity must begin with children and yes, even pre-conceptionally.
As humans, we are constantly changing. Indeed, the sum of what we are at any given moment is not necessarily the sum of what we are at consequent moments. We are constantly changing due to fluctuations in particular body chemistries (glucose, etc.) and the influence of thought, feeling and behavior.
If we, as a society, can nurture the souls of children in simple and grounded ways, love may push hate aside, hope replace despair, and faith dislodge disconnectedness. If so done, it is entirely possible that within a generation or two the adults of those times will be soulfully equipped to make of God's world a less hostile and violent as well as a more loving place for all creation.
We can change the course of humankind.
We must understand and not be afraid to acknowledge that whom we are and why we are the way we are stretches far beyond and behind our own personal histories and experiences, reaching to the furthest limits of humanity's own history and experience enshrined in its collective consciousness.
We must realize the power we have to change for the better the quality of the energies in the memories and consciousness that each of us receives.
We must restore respect for women and the feminine and, in particular, be more attentive to nurturing the quality and the power of every mother's thoughts, feelings and situations during pregnancy because these energies are the greatest influences on the quality and texture of our entire life.
We must include the spiritual and self-regulatory procedures that promote healthy functioning of the trinity of body, mind and soul as central ingredients of Pre Natal Care and of School Curricula.
We must establish the sacred and the noble in personal and collective memory and consciousness by enabling parents, parents-to-be, and their children to feel and know the sacred and noble within themselves AND within every other human being, truths which have been submerged in the belief systems of religion and culture.
We must act now, beginning at the grass roots level, to inject what we know and what needs to be done into the political and religious arenas. This belief coincides with and would give LIFE and LIGHT to a statement made in a document from Vatican II entitled The Church in the Modern World -
"The future of humanity lies with those who are strong enough to give coming generations REASON for living and REASON for hoping.
Unhealed psychological wounds and hurts from traumatic experiences or losses overshadow our capacity for fulfilling relationships and for selflove. This can result in an inability to give and receive love, in isolation and fear of others, of certain situations and the challenges of everyday life.

Traumatic experiences leave wounds in the soul, which usually heal with more difficulties than physical wounds. People who have suffered traumatic experiences often feel as if their soul has been torn apart into many parts. They live with entirely contrary feelings and thoughts: irritable and frozen, flooded with memories and empty of memories, full of shame and rage.
In many situations can people experience violence in a way which will affect them traumatically: with abuse, mistreatment, rape or with shocklike experiences like traffic accidents, kidnapping, or catastrophes’. Also the loss of a beloved person can be traumatic, and even the witnessing of violence with human beings or animals can cause deep traumatic disturbances.
Many people manage by themselves to process traumatic experiences. Why this is so, psychologists cannot say yet. One thing is certain: It is less a matter of how robust the soul of a man is, and more a matter of what happens to him/her, and how it happens, and whether the circumstances are especially shocking or humiliating. It is also decisive how the environment reacts, if it supports the victim after the traumatic experience , if it denies the happening, or even assigns a joint guilt.
Of course the age is decisive, too, and the capacity to understand the traumatic experience, to process and to talk about it. The earlier a trauma happens, the deeper it will influence the attitude towards life and the selfworth of a person.
The psychological effects of various traumatic experiences are called in psychotherapy "post traumatic stress syndrom".
There exists a complex picture of these symptoms: flashbacks- sudden reliving of the traumatic situation, nightmares, emotional numbness and missing feelings, depressions, anxieties and sleep disturbances; avoidance of situations and behaviours which could stir up memories of the trauma, low tolerance of stress situations and low selfworth in daily life, inability to have fulfilling human relationships, feelings of shame and guilt.
The key to understanding the posttraumatic disturbances is basically hidden in the traumatic situation itself.
A traumatic experience breaks the entire psychological organizational structure of a person. The soul is overcharged and overwhelmed, and finally breaks down if it cannot process or digest the trauma.
With many traumatized people happens "Introjections": The victim identifies with the aggressor. Whatever has been done to him/her is unbearable , and he/she can hardly imagine that a human being can act like this. Therefore the victim takes the act of the aggressor into himself, ascribes it to himself. And the victim also takes on the unconscious guilt of the aggressor, which often he himself does not feel, so that the aggression and the guilt continue to live in his soul like a foreign body.
Also in the family trauma originates. Children are abused or mistreated. The common form of violence against children is neglect: when children are not nourished well, receive poor medical care or are not protected against dangers. Traumatic experiences can also originate from deprivation, a deficiency in care and safety, produced by loss, death or separation of parents or beloved ones.
If sexual abuse results in psychological disturbance later on depends on the situation. A forced act is particularly traumatic if the abuse happens over longer periods of time, if more than one person is involved, or if the offender is the father. In his book the german psychoanalyst Matthias Hirsch writes that it is less the individual act which is destructive, but more the fact that the child becomes deeply confused in his feelings and his judgments about reality. If the abuse is denied within the family, the child finds himself in a similar situation as the torture victim within the society: he has experienced something which nobody wants to realize and perhaps nobody will even believe. Therefore it has to bury the experience in a place in his soul from where nothing will ever come to the surface, to the conscious, he believes.
In a situation in which our life or psychological integrity is threatened, or in which we feel that we are threatened, there are only two instinctive reactions: fight or flight.
But the abused child can neither escape nor fight, as all victims of a traumatic situation.An escape is pretending to be dead, not feeling anything, in order not to be overwhelmed by painful feelings; to leave the situation with one´s consciousness, while the body experiences it, in order not to experience it consciously.
In psychotherapy this is called " disassociation", if the traumatic experience is split up, or "derealisation" if someone escapes into a different, phantasized world. These are defence mechanisms in the traumatic situation, which can become symptoms of a psycho{Disclaimer: ogical disturbance later on, when one does not feel it, feels anaesthesized, feels cold or numb.
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