Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Truth about Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Anger, Mental Health & Nutrition esp. Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health.
What causes stress?understanding stress management.
What Causes Your Stress? Understanding Stress Management Stress test your life by seeing how each stress factor stacks up.Peter is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. and holds the degree of Doctor of Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health. He is a Nationally Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the American Naturopathic Certification Board.
(B)Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health
Dr. McCarthy explains what happens to a womans body during pregnancy and after child birth and the effects this can have on a womans hormones, health, stress and wellness.
Dr. Peter McCarthy, C.T.N.
Peter is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. He is a Nationally Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the American Naturopathic Certification Board.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health
(c) Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Anger, Mental Health & Nutrition
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Diabetes:diabetes types,insulin factors,diagnosis,symptoms and dietary approach. Diabetes involve with PRAGNANCY,KIDNEY,HEART, and G.I. TRACT.
MichaelSNE quotation:I always thank YouTube and its authors, for their contribution to LIFE INTEREST. All credits must ALWAYS go to them. I have done nothing, except sharing here the experience what I have learnt as a MEDICAL WORKER and as a CONSCIENTIOUS STUDENT all this while.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What is cancer, its development and therapy
B=Radiation Therapy and Cancer Awareness
D= cancer development
Thursday, March 5, 2009
All About Cancer In Mandrin 肿瘤科疾病
• 乳房纤维瘤oo• 癌性腹水o0• 癌性胸腔积液00• 癌症发热00• 视网膜母细胞瘤00• 睑板腺癌00
• 眼睑基底细胞癌00• 口腔血管瘤00口腔癌00• 声带癌00• 腮腺混合瘤00• 黑色素瘤00• 纤维肉瘤00• 软骨瘤00• 骨血管瘤00• 骨化性纤维瘤00• 骨巨细胞瘤 • 骨肉瘤(成骨肉瘤)00• 恶性滋养细胞肿瘤 00• 绒毛膜癌00• 侵蚀性葡萄胎00• 尤文氏瘤00• 宫体癌(子宫内膜癌)00• 睾丸癌00• 嗜铬细胞瘤 00• 多发性骨髓瘤00• 腹膜间皮瘤 00• 肠淋巴肉瘤 00• 原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤00• 胸腺瘤00• 纵隔肿瘤 00• 脊髓肿瘤00• 脑膜瘤 00• 唇 癌00• 乳管内乳头状瘤00• 脂肪瘤 00• 神经纤维瘤(多发性神经纤维瘤)00• 鳞状细胞癌 • 阴茎癌(包茎疮)00 • 良性葡萄胎(怪胎)00• 恶性组织细胞增生病00• 阴茎乳头状瘤(风飘烛)00• 白血病(血证)00• 汗管瘤00• 血管瘤00• 癌症疼痛 • 00骨肿瘤(骨痨)00脑瘤(内风)00• 软组织恶性肿瘤(肉瘤)00• 恶性淋巴瘤(瘰疬)00• 恶性皮肤肿瘤(皮肤癌)00• 皮肤纤维瘤 00• 绒毛膜上皮癌(鬼胎)00• 宫颈癌0五色带)00• 卵巢癌(症癜)00• 乳腺癌(乳岩)00• 前列腺癌(劳淋)00• 膀胱癌(溺血)00
• 肾癌(肾积)00• 大肠癌(结肠癌、直肠癌)00• 胰腺癌(症瘕)00• 原发性肝癌(肝痈)00
• 肺癌(肺积)00 • 胃癌(癍瘕积聚)00 • 食管癌(噎隔) 00• 喉癌(喉疳)00 • 扁桃体癌 00• 舌癌(舌疳) 00• 甲状腺癌(瘿瘤)00 • 六瘤(气、肉、 筋、 血、骨、粉瘤)00 • 甲状腺腺瘤(肉瘿)00• 腮腺癌(腮疮)00 • 上颌窦癌(颧疽) 00• 眼睑癌00
Saturday, February 21, 2009
MICHAElsne MAXIM:Don’t judge a book by its cover or size,many important thing are hidden from the arrogant and unwise!
Friday, 13 Feb 2009
The following article*** is the teaching made by MY TEACHER on the above date, which is now included here(even though I KNEW IT LONG AGO and hinting here and there in my blogging, BUT I HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN THIS AREA, so I had to keep dumb because it involved SATAN AND GOD , a spiritual issues(HOLY SPIRT and EVIL SPIRITS , a CLEAR DISTINCTION gotto to made out first before getting onself decived/trapped into further aggravate/complicate into other problems which sources from the original problems which is too serious, therefore all this while I have to keep myself out. ) for those who are seeking healing from the SPIRIT aspect(Healing from the spirit innermost man downward/ outwards to soul then the physical body , a step beyond SOUL(the role of Psychiatrist) and BODY(the role of doctors/NUTRITIONIST). I testify the authencity of the teaching which I have been witnessing and experiencing for 15 years myself is consistently in the knowledge and life experience of thousands of others.
Have a look of the meaning of the words as in Free Dictionary Online:
1. Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.(My comment: EVEN SPRITUAL CAUSES)
2. Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, and the body on the mind, especially with respect to disease: psychosomatic medicine.
a. The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.
b. The physical part of a person.
c. A corpse or carcass.
1. The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
2. The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
3. The disembodied spirit of a dead human.
4. A human: "the homes of some nine hundred souls" Garrison Keillor.
5. The central or integral part; the vital core: "It saddens me that this network ... may lose its soul, which is after all the quest for news" Marvin Kalb.
6. A person considered as the perfect embodiment of an intangible quality; a personification: I am the very soul of discretion.
7. A person's emotional or moral nature: "An actor is ... often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world but dare not" Alec Guinness.
spir•it The vital principle or animating force within living beings.
2. Incorporeal consciousness.
3 The soul, considered as departing from the body of a person at death.
Spirit The Holy Spirit.
4.(a) A supernatural being, as:
(b)The part of a human associated with the mind, will, and feelings: Though unable to join us today, they are with us in spirit.
Series : “Back to Basic” (Lesson 2)
Theme :
Steps to overcome the affliction of the body.
Objective :
For the enlightenment of the people - the procedures to achieve complete breakthrough.
Prefatory Statement :
Most people suffer puzzles why they cannot get healing for their body? They are stumbled by religious “quacks” that furnish them with information which set before them stumbling blocks. End of the day, the people ended up disenchanted. The Father correct the wrong and set matters right.
The people must have knowledge of the root cause to their physical problem. If you don’t know the cause, how are you to get the breakthrough? If the doctor has no knowledge of the root cause to a patient’s sickness or disease, what medicine can he apply to heal him? By and large, the church and the people of God has no such knowledge. So how do they go about to get breakthrough? Hit and miss, by “faith”. Faith has to do with covenant rather than exercising of mental belief. The church misinterpret the word “faith”. For this reason, the Father will enumerate to us the 7 causes of sicknesses and diseases.
i) Dark Seeds
When you rub shoulders with unbelievers, even dark Christians, tainted brethren, through conversation, dark seeds penetrate your being and lodge in your soul and spirit. Seeds through words. Do not underestimate the potency of these seeds. These simple seeds can cause headache, fever, temperature, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea, body pain, and so forth - irritating problems. Do not take casual conversation lightly. You have to be on the qui vive and watchful whenever you socialize with another. Be conscious of your spirit. Your spirit must be sensitive otherwise you will be patsy (easy prey). Remedy is simple : Ask Holy Spirit to pluck out the dark seeds.
ii) Objects
Satan also cast dark objects, invisible to the physical eyes. Satan can implant objects in a person. An object is larger than a seed so the problem caused by an object commensurate accordingly. Not everyone is a carrier of objects, only the very dark ones, agents of Satan. Severe your ties from agents of Satan to protect yourself from the attack. Once a person becomes an agent of Satan, he becomes a tool of Satan, even to cast pernicious objects into people. If you sense that after a short fellowship with somebody and your whole being feels very abnormal, it is most probable objects have been cast into you.
This is the reason why much earlier, the Father had stridently told you to cut off from the rebels, to protect you from danger. Some objects cause serious diseases, sicknesses, and even death. Some of you tainted by the rebels, you are now suffering some physical problem. This is the result of objects being planted into you through them by Satan. If not for God’s grace, you will not live long. If the Father don’t remove the objects, sooner or later you will surely die. Some are already very sickly. If you are here and still alive, it is because the Power of Life preserve you. Some of you, the Father has yet to remove the objects completely from you. He has a reason. He wants to prove you first. If you still don’t repent but harden your heart, the object will finish you off.
Objects can come in many forms : needles, nails, thread, and so forth. You cannot simply remove these objects as you like. You need a Vessel with certain level of anointing/power to extract and destroy them. Objects cannot be removed by mere words/prayer.
iii) Strongholds
Strongholds that cause sicknesses/diseases are the most difficult to handle. No Minister on earth can handle this case, except the Vessel because the Father is behind him. Difficult because :
a) Such cases implicate the Law, involves legal contract by the forbears with the Devil.
b) To deal with this type of problem, there is stipulation that the status of the Vessel used must be of the category, ‘son-ship’, otherwise cannot handle. Arcane matter. The Vessel must have access to the legal file, able to retrieve information from Heaven. Without authority, Heaven will not release the information. Nobody can bluff. The Vessel also needs the back-up forces, the Cherubim. In matters of strongholds, only the Cherubim are authorized to handle the matter, not even the Seraphim. Unless you have the support of the Cherubim, you cannot do this job. Why Cherubim needed? Because they must be sent to the specific parts of the world where the powers of these strongholds are hidden. Strongholds are connected to certain station or power. By itself, the station radiates power. So you need very powerful Cherubim, sometimes one Cherubim not enough, you need maybe 5 with weapons to blast it.
Before the destruction of Satan’s kingdom, such places were protected by giant demons.
You need to be able to access information from Heaven, and you need the back-up, the Cherubim. What is happening now in the North Pole and South Pole is the consequence of the destruction of the strongholds. These strongholds are so powerful they can spill over to the physical world. There are strongholds within you and there are strongholds without. Interconnected. If you have no authority to handle strongholds, you will surely die. No man can handle except the Father. Some dropped dead because they were killed by the stronghold inside of them. Even the Elders here cannot handle. The Keys inside the Vessel protects him.
iv) Weapons
Weapons are extremely dangerous. There are many types of weapons : sword, arrow, dagger, trident and so forth. Strongholds in people are effective to a certain range but weapons can travel around the globe. Weapons are implanted in man or in the earth and they are under Satan’s control. A lot of weapons are planted under the earth, in the sky, in space. They are like modern missiles. Weapons kill. Why people die of cancer, plagues? Mostly result of the weapons. How do people get cancer? Due to ancestral contract, and when the time comes, the demons will send the weapons, it hit and lodge inside the person, and it exudes the poison inside of that person, circulates in the body. This is why cancer can spread very fast. The weapons must be removed. Many diseases/plagues are through weapons. Blindness can also be caused by weapons. Weapons can literally travel, ‘smart’ weapons, can track you. Every soul has a ‘chassis’ number, and your body parts have the same number. In creative miracles, the parts that are brought in, the numbers must be identical. These weapons can search you out! You cannot erase these numbers. Time of Rapture, God will release something and it will search out the numbers.
v) Unclean Things
Don’t belittle unclean things. They are equally dangerous and they cause a lot of problems. When unclean things activated, it can attack, emit rays of light to hit the person and cause fever, cold, dehydration, cannot sleep, nightmares, aches and so forth. Some can even kill. If you do not remove unclean things, Satan can upgrade it (intensify its potency) to attack you. Some have died because of unclean things. Best way to incriminate you, Satan implant unclean things in your possession. Satan may let you keep that unclean item for one month, maybe one year, and when you have forgotten, then he strike.
Practice this : Whenever you buy anything, even before you take it into your house, ask God to sanctify, remove all the weapons, uncleanness; even the food before you eat it. Anything that enter your house, (clothing, gifts, etc.) ask God to sanctify and remove all the weapons. This is a wise way to sanctify your house.
Unclean things can cause sicknesses/diseases, weakness of body, tiredness, sleepiness. Your house should be free of unclean things. When it is free, you will feel very nice, peaceful, clear. Some unclean jewellery need not be thrown away but some you have to throw because they are too corrupted, and if you keep them, it will harm you.
vi) Deformity
No great man of God on earth but only the Vessel, with the status of ‘son’, God can use to correct deformities.
vii) Natural Physical Weaknesses
Some lack Vitamins, the body lack vitamins, and after a period of time result in sicknesses/diseases. No wisdom. You must eat in wisdom. Eat according to the needs of your body. You need the Holy Spirit to know what to eat according to the needs of your body. Your body breaks down because you do not know what your body needs. Eat more rice, cut down on meat (especially those after 30 years of age). Sea food ok. You shorten your own life, some died because they ate the wrong food. When you eat wrongly, your body affected, weakened, undermined and it leads to sicknesses/diseases, and that kills. But the doctors cannot connect this to the food you ate. When the body is weakened, impaired, it can be attacked with sicknesses/diseases, but if the body is strong, it can resist. Have a regiment. Don’t eat what you like but eat what your body needs. If you eat well, then your body will be strong.
Good also to do some exercise, do some jogging.
When you sit in the Sanctuary of God, you receive Life. Life is like a battery. Battery weak, body will be weak. When you sit in the Sanctuary of God, God charge your ‘life battery’, Holy Spirit recharge you with Life.
i) Pinpoint
First, you need the Holy Spirit to pinpoint the root cause of your problem.
ii) Legal Contravention
You have to ask God which area you have broken the Law and ask God for counsel what to do. If stronghold, you need to search the file, trace back to the origin. You need Holy Spirit’s wisdom what to do, how to plea your case in the Court of Heaven. But if you are not authorized, you cannot do it. Thank God, the Vessel has this authority. (For those tainted ones, God forbid the Vessel to pray for them.)
iii) Standing
Check your own standing. If you are not walking with God, but walking lawlessly, willfully, it will affect your breakthrough. If you have not totally repented of your association with the rebels, no breakthrough, nullified.
After healed, comes back.
i) Unrepentant Sin
Some sin may be long standing . . . . . . maybe 10 years ago, so you have to search your entire being, search your life record. How? HOLY SPIRIT!
ii) Layers Attack
Remove first layer, then next layer. You don’t have the Holy Spirit so you depend on the Vessel. The Vessel is there to help you. Satan stir-up the stronghold, God remove the stronghold, then he stir-up unclean things, and so forth.
iii) Defensive Mechanism
Satan has defensive mechanism. God heal you, you are healed but Satan does not want this healing to take place. Siblings form stronghold like a daisy chain so he does not want to break this circuit
There is only one Power of Healing, The HOLY SPIRIT.
Dark churches promote methods of healing, methods of man. And these are stumbling blocks and barriers to your breakthrough. Those from dark churches have this problem – hard to get healing because the methods of man will come to your mind. Methods of man nullify the Power of the Holy Spirit. (God has destroyed the demons behind these methods of man.)
Holy Spirit function by way of the Law, no other way. God walks in the way of the Law. (Vessel is the Spiritual Lawyer.) You must get rid of the methods of man. Holy Spirit will heal – inspired way (God wants to heal certain individuals), and uninspired way (those who come very casually for prayer). Those who come for prayer must observe due diligence : 7 causes / Procedures / Relapses. You must observe all these before you come to the Vessel for prayer. You have to pray to the Holy Spirit first, petition the Holy Spirit to use the Vessel, to reveal to the Vessel the root cause so that you can get the breakthrough. If you have no breakthrough, it is because you are not prepared. Some are not honest with God, they are not telling the truth.
Holy Spirit must be there, the anointing. You must sense the anointing. God can activate the Keys inside the Vessel anytime, anywhere. (Elders have residual anointing, and once the residue gone, they cannot minister.)
If you apply the above rightly, you will have breakthrough.
Certain major problems, you need time. Example : crippled. Time has to be observed. God works in His time. In everything there is time, there is season. Certain season, God will release certain anointing, God will release the spirit, example : anointing for the crippled, for the legs and so forth. Time factor. Certain cases, Satan has legal hold on you and this is locked.
You have definitely heard and even have some horrible experiences of these quite common NIGHTMARE; fear not by knowing the root cause you can get rid of it .Must read about:
[After reading the article,say a prayer and reject the thought of it]
log in here==>xxxxx
log in here==>知道恶梦起因和摆脱恐惧恶梦的一些经验.
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Friday, February 6, 2009
Fibroid Education Myomectomy Vaginal Uterine Fibroid
What are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are lumps that grow on your uterus. You can have fibroids on the inside, on the outside, or in the wall of your uterus.
Your doctor may call them fibroid tumors, leiomyomas, or myomas. But fibroids are not cancer. You do not need to do anything about them unless they are causing problems.
Fibroids are very common in women in their 30s and 40s. By the time they are 50, about 80 women out of 100 have fibroids. But fibroids usually do not cause problems. Many women never even know they have them.
What causes uterine fibroids?
Doctors are not sure what causes fibroids. But the female hormones estrogen and progesterone seem to make them grow. Your body makes the highest levels of these hormones during the years when you have periods.
Your body makes less of these hormones after you stop having periods (menopause). Fibroids usually shrink after menopause and stop causing symptoms.
What are the symptoms?
Often, fibroids do not cause symptoms. Or the symptoms may be mild, like periods that are a little heavier than normal. If the fibroids bleed or press on your organs, the symptoms may make it hard for you to enjoy life. Fibroids make some women have:
Long, gushing periods and cramping.
Fullness or pressure in their belly.
Low back pain.
Pain during sex.
An urge to urinate often.
Heavy bleeding during your periods can lead to anemia. Anemia can make you feel weak and tired.
Sometimes, fibroids can make it harder to get pregnant. Or they may cause problems during pregnancy, such as going into early labor or losing the baby (miscarriage).
How are uterine fibroids diagnosed?
To find out if you have fibroids, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms. He or she will do a pelvic exam to check the size of your uterus.
Your doctor may send you to have an ultrasound or another type of test that shows pictures of your uterus. These help your doctor see how large your fibroids are and where they are growing. Your doctor may also do blood tests to look for anemia or other problems.
How are they treated?
If your fibroids are not bothering you, you do not need to do anything about them. Your doctor will check them during your regular visits to see if they have gotten bigger.
If your main symptoms are pain and heavy bleeding, try an over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen, and ask your doctor about birth control pills. These can help you feel better and make your periods lighter. If you have anemia, take iron pills and eat foods that are high in iron, like meats, beans, and leafy green vegetables.
============Surgery To Remove Fibroid====================
Removal of 6 fibroid (Third video)
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All you should know about (ovarian)cancer in text and videos
No text for video 1.
Cancer Treatment Testimonial Alternative Holistic Health Care(video2)
(video2)Cancer treatments, holistic and complementary alternative health care. Sanoviv Medical Institute is the most advanced medical facility and hospital in the world. Our diagnostics focus on the root cause of your illness, not the symptoms. We recognize and honor the powerful role that the mind plays in health and healing. We use proven complementary medical and mind-body solutions to eliminate disease, we don't mask symptoms with drugs and unnecessary medical procedures. Our medical doctors are trained in both traditional and alternative medical treatments.Sanoviv provides advanced treatments for a variety of diseases. Visit us at or call 800-726-6848 to speak to an admission specialist
Ovarian Cancer Treatment Testimonial Alternative Holistic Health Care(video3)
This is a testimonial from an ovarian cancer survivor patient at Sanoviv Medical Insitute, a holistic and complementary alternative health care facility. Ovarian cancer treatments are available at Sanoviv Medical Institute. Our facility has never had a single staph infection, which is the 5th leading cause of death in the US. This is due to the cleanliness of our facility. You can expect to recover from your surgery faster than other hospitals due to the fact that prior to surgery or cancer treatment, you will receive a highly nutritional diet of organic foods and detoxification treatments. Visit our site to learn more about ovarian cancer treatment. Our diagnostics focus on the root cause of your illness, not the symptoms. We recognize and honor the powerful role that the mind plays in health and healing. We use proven complementary medical and mind-body solutions to eliminate disease, we don't mask symptoms with drugs and unnecessary medical procedures. Our medical doctors are trained in traditional, holistic, complementary and alternative medical treatments. Sanoviv provides care and treatment for other degenerative diseases. Visit or call 800-726-6848 to speak to an admission specialist.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America Cancer Survivors News(video4)
(video4):Cancer Treatment 9Centers of America South Regional Medical Center Cancer Survivors News Linda Armstrong Kelly as Motivational Speaker
Ovarian Cancer Signs and Symptoms(video5)
(video5) The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to know if there is something wrong. Know the symptoms, know your body, and know when to see a gynecologist.
Doctors hope a new set of guidelines will help women detect ovarian cancer early, while it's still 90 percent treatable. Katie Couric has more. (
Cancer Treatment Centers of America develops patient-specific vaccine therapy(video6)
(Video6)Medical experts say more than 15-thousand women will die this year from ovarian cancer. But there is hope for those stricken with the disease in the form of a promising new vaccine.
The breakthrough treatment, created by Cancer Treatment Centers of America and AVAX Therapeutics, Inc., uses the patient's own tumor tissues to create a patient-specific vaccine. Combined with local chemotherapy, the treatment avoids stressing the patient's immune system and, therefore, helps to increase the vaccine's effectiveness.
Ovarian cancer is a complex disease -- it's difficult to diagnose and often resistant to chemotherapy. The treatment will be available to women whose cancer has recurred after chemotherapy. Cancer Treatment Centers of America expects to begin treating patients this summer.
Genetic Mutation Animation: Excerpt from IN THE FAMILY(video7)
(video7)IN THE FAMILY will air on POV, the award winning PBS series, October 1st, 2008.
In the Family is a documentary film about predicting breast and ovarian cancer, the consequences of knowing, and the women who live with the risk. Beginning with her story of testing positive for the familial breast cancer mutation (BRCA), Filmmaker Joanna Rudnick chronicles the lives of several women currently undergoing the process of genetic testing -- following them from their decision to seek testing, through the testing process, and in the aftermath when they are coming to terms with the information they receive. These stories of the first generation of women to live with the knowledge that they are predisposed to a life-threatening disease will teach us what it means to survive a diagnosis of high risk without being consumed or defined by it. They will help us to understand the psychological, legal, ethical, cultural and social complexities of genetic testing for a mutation, which affects the entire family, for which there is no cure, and wherein the only treatments currently available involve enormous quality-of-life sacrifices
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Alternative Medication and TCM.西医-中医-治疗历史
替代医学的发展(development of alternative medicine)
替代医学(alternative medicine),也叫替代疗法
替代医学在西方国家的发展在西方发达国家中,“替代医学”一向不被重视,被归为“另类”。但这些治疗方法却越来越受到群众欢迎。据美国有关人士调查,美国有60%以上的成年人试用过“替代医学”。但据另一项调查,美国用过“替代医学”的只占美国成人的16%。无论如何,现实驱使美国卫生部高度重视这一问题。美国国立卫生院的属下设立了一个非主流医学办公室,后转为辅助和“替代医学”研究中心,近5年的研究预算以每年50%~100%的速度增长,2001年预算将达1亿美元,并在全国设立了16个研究中心,分别从事有关“替代医学”的专项研究。1997年11月,美国国立卫生院亲自出面召开了关于针灸的听证会,邀请中国的韩济生院士等三位学者参加,韩院士应邀在该次大会上作“针刺镇痛原理”的大会报告。会议对针灸治疗疼痛和恶心呕吐等的疗效加以充分肯定,并指出要加强对针灸原理和应用的研究。美国总统克林顿于1999年亲自下令设立四人顾问委员会,对“替代医学”进行政策性研究,要求2001年6月提出一个切实可行的政策性报告,供政府和国会立法参考。美国这些举动不仅受到本国朝野的欢迎,也受到西方其他国家的关注。 英国对“替代医学”的态度一向是听其自然,任何人只要说“我是针灸医师”就可以开业扎针,每次收费大约25英镑,其他如按摩、骨伤整治等也如此。实际上是缺乏管理。但由于政府提供的免费医疗服务差,候诊时间太长,所以人们习惯于自费求医。据统计,全国“替代医学”年消费总数达16亿英镑。查尔斯王子本人比较重视非主流医疗的作用,他早在1982年就提倡关注“替代医学”。他认为,英国应该学习美国,有一个类似于辅助和“替代医学”研究中心的机构,有足够的经费来支持这一重要活动;他特别提倡主流医学与“替代医学”要互相主动配合,共同为病人服务。 从1997年美国国立卫生院主持召开针灸法听证会,到1999年在以色列耶路撒冷市召开第五届国际脑科学大会首次设立“针灸”专题报告会,以及同年美国总统克林顿指定19人组成“替代医学”委员会,至2001年由英国查尔斯王子发起在伦敦召开“整合医学”会议,这一发展过程可以看出,中医药、针灸等“替代医学”正日益受到西方世界的重视,正在逐渐走向与目前的西方主流医学相汇合,而形成统一的“整合医学”的潮流。
到了19世纪中叶,德国病理学家微尔啸(Virchow)倡导细胞病理学,将疾病的原因解释为细胞形式和构造的改变。细胞病理学确认了疾病的微细物质基础,充实和发展了形态病理学,开辟了病理学的新阶段。19世纪下半叶巴斯德证明发酵及传染病都是微生物引起的,德国人科赫(Koch R.)发现霍乱弧菌、结核杆菌及炭疽杆菌等,并改进了培养细菌的方法和细菌染色方法,大多数主要致病菌在此时期内先后发现。巴斯德还用减弱微生物毒力的方法首先进行疫苗的研究,从而创立经典免疫学,以后,在巴斯德研究所工作的俄国人梅契尼科夫(Mechnikovl I.)系统阐述了吞筮现象及某些传染病的免疫现象。
在临床医学上,19世纪诊断学有了很大的进步,叩诊法在临床上推广应用;雷奈克(Laennec R.)发明听诊器;许多临床诊断辅助手段,如血压测量、体温测量、体腔镜检查都是在19世纪开始应用的。19世纪中叶以后,解剖学的发展和麻醉法、防腐法和无菌法的应用,对外科学的发展,起了决定性的作用,从此外科学开始迅速发展。19世纪末期,体腔外科普遍发达,这样许多临床专业(如妇科、泌尿科、眼科等)中除进行内科处置外,外科方法也获得重要地位。药物学方面,19世纪初期,一些植物药的有效成分先后被提取出来。到19世纪末合成阿斯匹林,其后各种药物的合成精制不断得到发展。
19世纪,预防医学和保障健康的医学对策已逐渐成为立法和行政的问题。劳动卫生学、营养和食品卫生学、学校卫生学相继产生。19世纪末叶和20世纪初,卫生学中又划分出社会卫生学,它的目的是研究人民的健康情况,患病率和死亡率的原因以及与它们斗争的方法。此外,英国南丁格尔(Nightingale F.)1860年创立护士学校,传播其护理学思想,提高护理地位,使护理学成为一门科学。
广州是近代中国最早与西方世界接触的前沿,也是西方医学最早输入和最先繁荣的城市。早在1835年广州就有了传教士建立的第一所眼科医院,1838年“中国医学传教协会”在广州组成。鸦片战争后,1842年11月伯驾从美国回到广州于旧址重开医院,在1845年以前,教会医院的外科切割手术都是在无麻醉下进行。1846年伯驾引入乙醚麻醉法在他的医院第一次试用,使医院在实施外科手术上有重大进步。同年10月,伯驾又从波士顿买到杰克逊(Jackson CT.)医师研制的麻醉仪和一批乙醚,随同附来的一封信介绍有使用这种仪器和药物的方法。这种仪器的安全性显然更好。时隔两年伯驾很快又引进氯仿麻药,1849年11月24日,他首次对一例膀胱结石病人用氯仿麻醉,结果十分成功。麻醉药引入教会医院,使教会医生外科手术的选择范围大大扩展。以伯驾为代表的教会医生在引进麻醉剂方面是迅速的。1846年美国医生摩顿(Morton WTG.)首先使用乙醚拔牙。在英国1846年12月,伦敦外科医生也开始应用乙醚于外科手术,1847年11月15日辛普森医生在爱丁堡皇家医院首先用氯仿于外科手术。这两种麻醉药为西医外科发生根本性变化起到了重要作用。由于教会医生和他们本国教会组织保持着密切联系,使他们能即时地输入一些新技术,为教会医院在中国的发展保持技术优势。1842年后广州教会医院的治疗范围逐渐扩大,眼病虽然是医院的治疗重点,但是疾病的种类已涉及到内外科、骨科、皮科和牙科方面,手术包括肿瘤、膀胱结石、乳腺疾病、坏死性骨骼切除等。
广州眼科医局是当时规模最大、影响也最大的教会医院,除此之外还有几个小诊所。例如,1848年美国公理会鲍尔(Ball D.)医生在城内公理会教堂里开有一个诊所,1851年美国长老会医生哈珀(Happer AP.)在广州开办惠济诊所。
在上海从事医药事业的教会仍然是英美的基督教差会和法国天主教会。1847年美国浸信会曾派遣詹姆斯(James JS.)来上海开诊所。1848年美国美以美会传教士泰勒(Taylor G.)到上海办诊所持续了5年,1854年由凯利医生接替直到1856年。美国圣公会的菲什(Fish MW.)医师1856年到上海,在城里圣公会教堂附近设有一个诊所直到1858年。法国天主教会于1849年在上海建天主教堂,教堂里兼开诊所,神父勒麦特里(lemaitre)和法国两名外科医生法勒(Fallier)和休巴克(Hubac)在这个天主教诊所负责医务工作,诊所维持到1867年。
宁波、厦门、福州三个同时新辟的口岸,传教士当然不会放弃。这三个口岸医药传教的情形与上海、广州没有根本区别,不过规模较小。1843年11月浸礼会的麦高恩(Macgowan DJ.)就在宁波城内商业区利用一个中国商人提供的房屋办起诊所,主要收治眼病患者。次年,美国长老会的麦卡特夫妇(McCartee DB.)到宁波传教,在住宅里看病,他们在这里收养中国女孩金韵梅并给予教育,然后送到美国纽约学习医学,学成回国后一直为教会作医疗工作,是中国第一个在国外留学医科的女医生。1841年厦门被英军占领。1842年6月,英国传教士卡明(Cumming WH.)医生在靠近厦门的鼓浪屿开办诊所,1843年11月,美国长老会赫伯恩(Hepburn JC.)也来到鼓浪屿在卡明的诊所工作。但是,根据教会的指示,他们很快从鼓浪屿转到厦门市区内。1848年伦敦会医生希斯洛普(Hyslop J.)到厦门开始医药传教工作。1850年美国长老会扬(Young JH.)医生到厦门开办诊所。1853年赫希伯尔格(Hirschberg HJ.)从香港来到厦门接替扬,直到1858年。福州教会更晚,1848年秋季,美以美会怀特(White MC.)首先到福州开诊所,1851年威尔纳(Wiley)来继续这里的工作直到1854年回国。1850年英国圣公会的韦尔顿到福州,在一个佛教庙宇办诊所到1856年。
1842年后香港变成英国殖民地香港有大量英国驻军和外国商人,当内地发生战争时大部分传教士和侨民便选择香港作暂栖地,这个狭小的港岛成为出入中国的重要门户。港岛因此变得拥挤,加之气候炎热和潮湿,经常流行疟疾、痢疾和黄疸病。病人不仅有原岛上的中国居民,还有英军士兵。英军舰船上的军医院无法适应病人大量增加的治疗需要,军医院从船上搬到岛上。1843年军医院全部迁入港岛上一幢新建的楼房里,同年,香港成立公共卫生和清洁委员会,1844年3月,香港颁布“维持香港殖民地秩序和清洁”的公告,1845年香港成立“中国内外科学会”,由英国海军医生塔克(Tocker A.)任会长,合信(Hobsen B.)任秘书,成员共7人。学会下面设一所图书馆,他们和内地教会医生有密切的关系,定期召开医学讨论会,与内地医生共同研究中国常见的流行病和中国植物药物等问题。由塔克代表该医学会提议在香港建立一所教会医院和医学校,教会医院计划很快得到实现,但关于香港医学校的计划后来因为经费来源出现了困难和香港内外科医学会的悄灰解体没有得到实施。
1、 问诊 用交谈的方式,通过病人或知情人的叙述,了解病人的情况,作出初步诊断。
2、 体格检查 医生利用自己的感觉器官通过视诊、触诊、叩诊、听诊、嗅诊等方法或借助听诊器、叩诊锤、血压计、体温表等简单的工具对病人进行全面、系统的检查来诊断患者的疾病。
3、 实验室检查 对患者的血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物、细胞取样和组织标本等进行检查来诊断患者的疾病。
4、 心电图检查 通过心电图仪的记录来检查患者心脏的疾病。
5、 医学影像学的检查 利用X线对各组织器官的穿透能力,使人体内部结构在荧光屏上或X片上显出阴影进行观察,从而了解疾病等情况的诊断方法。有些病变的部位和性质如显示不清,应用计算机体层摄影技术(CT)和磁共振(MRI)检查,就能作出更精确的诊断。
替代医学(alternative medicine),也叫替代疗法
替代医学在西方国家的发展在西方发达国家中,“替代医学”一向不被重视,被归为“另类”。但这些治疗方法却越来越受到群众欢迎。据美国有关人士调查,美国有60%以上的成年人试用过“替代医学”。但据另一项调查,美国用过“替代医学”的只占美国成人的16%。无论如何,现实驱使美国卫生部高度重视这一问题。美国国立卫生院的属下设立了一个非主流医学办公室,后转为辅助和“替代医学”研究中心,近5年的研究预算以每年50%~100%的速度增长,2001年预算将达1亿美元,并在全国设立了16个研究中心,分别从事有关“替代医学”的专项研究。1997年11月,美国国立卫生院亲自出面召开了关于针灸的听证会,邀请中国的韩济生院士等三位学者参加,韩院士应邀在该次大会上作“针刺镇痛原理”的大会报告。会议对针灸治疗疼痛和恶心呕吐等的疗效加以充分肯定,并指出要加强对针灸原理和应用的研究。美国总统克林顿于1999年亲自下令设立四人顾问委员会,对“替代医学”进行政策性研究,要求2001年6月提出一个切实可行的政策性报告,供政府和国会立法参考。美国这些举动不仅受到本国朝野的欢迎,也受到西方其他国家的关注。 英国对“替代医学”的态度一向是听其自然,任何人只要说“我是针灸医师”就可以开业扎针,每次收费大约25英镑,其他如按摩、骨伤整治等也如此。实际上是缺乏管理。但由于政府提供的免费医疗服务差,候诊时间太长,所以人们习惯于自费求医。据统计,全国“替代医学”年消费总数达16亿英镑。查尔斯王子本人比较重视非主流医疗的作用,他早在1982年就提倡关注“替代医学”。他认为,英国应该学习美国,有一个类似于辅助和“替代医学”研究中心的机构,有足够的经费来支持这一重要活动;他特别提倡主流医学与“替代医学”要互相主动配合,共同为病人服务。 从1997年美国国立卫生院主持召开针灸法听证会,到1999年在以色列耶路撒冷市召开第五届国际脑科学大会首次设立“针灸”专题报告会,以及同年美国总统克林顿指定19人组成“替代医学”委员会,至2001年由英国查尔斯王子发起在伦敦召开“整合医学”会议,这一发展过程可以看出,中医药、针灸等“替代医学”正日益受到西方世界的重视,正在逐渐走向与目前的西方主流医学相汇合,而形成统一的“整合医学”的潮流。
舌苔辩病法 TCM
舌苔花剥有的人舌面上的舌苔出现不规则的一块块"地图样"改变,有的地方有薄苔,有的地方光滑无苔,这叫"地图舌"。此类舌象者如无任何不适感觉,多属生理性改变,不需治疗。如果长期有胃病或其他慢性病,以前从未见这样的舌象,出现"地图舌"则多属阴虚表现,在治疗原发病的同时,可喝西洋参茶(每天9 克,沸水冲泡,频饮)促进自愈。
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Theory of Channels and Collaterals
The Formation and Functions of Channels and Collaterals
1. Channels and Collaterals System The system of channels and collaterals constitutes the twelve regular channels, the eight extra channels, the fifteen collaterals, the twelve divergent channels, the musculo-tendinous and cutaneous regions of the twelve regular channels.
2. Channels and Collaterals Functions (1) Physiologically, the channels and collaterals are considered to be a series of connecting passages through which qi and blood circulate to regulate the functions of the zang-fu organs, tissues, and sense organs. These passages also conduct the sensations and reactions (deqi) of acupuncture treatment.
The five zang and six fu organs, four limbs, nine orifices, skin muscles, vessels, and tendons, although having their respective physiological functions, also maintain the harmonization and uniqueness of interior, exterior, upper, and lower parts of the body as a united and organic entity. This interconnection and organic combination relies upon the function of the channels and collaterals system.
All the tissues and organs of the human body need the nourishment of qi and blood in order to keep their normal physiological activities. The distribution and circulation of qi and blood throughout the body to nourish the zang-fu, tissues, and organs and to resist exogenous pathological factors depends on the transportation and conduction of the channels and collaterals. As the Lingshu records:
The channels and collaterals are the passages through which blood and qi flow to nourish yin and yang, to moisten tendons and bones, and to lubricate the joints.
(2) Pathologically, channels and collaterals are the pathways through which the exogenous pathological factors are transmitted and their channels reflected. In the Suwen it is noted:
When pathogenic factors invade the skin and the pores are open they enter the collaterals. When the collaterals become full, the pathogenic factors will move into the channels. When the channels are full, the pathogenic factors transmit to and reside in the zang and fu organs.
The interior and exterior, upper and lower parts of the body form an integrated entity through the connecting network of channels and collaterals. So under pathological conditions every part of the body will affect the rest via the channels and collaterals. The channels and collaterals are not only the passages of disease transmission, but can also reflect pathological changes. Namely, the diseases of the zang-fu organs can be reflected on the body surface, especially in certain areas or at certain points, through the transmission of channels and collaterals.
(3) In diagnosis, channels and collaterals have certain running courses that connect with the zang-fu organs. They also reflect pathological changes on the body surface. Therefore clinical diagnosis can be made according to symptoms that are related to those courses and their respective zang-fu organs.
(4) In treatment, the theory of channels and collaterals is extensively used in clinical treatment for different branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Treatments using traditional medicinal herbs are based on their main actions vis-a-vis related zang-fu organs and channels. In the practice of acupuncture, the theory of channels and collaterals is the basis of all treatment and clinical practice. Point selection and prescription combinations are all made on this basis. By stimulating a certain point or area on the body surface the physiological functions of the channels and collaterals are aroused. This action is achieved by propagating sensation through the channels. Without this sensation it is hard to achieve a therapeutic effect.
The Meridians have been classified into a division of two groups according to Yin and Yang, hand and foot, and as coupled pairs. We are going to classify the Meridians according to the traditional Chinese idea of the cycle of Qi within the Meridians. The Chinese determined that the energy flows from one meridian to the next in a continuous and fixed order. It flows from meridian to meridian in a two-hour cycle, making the complete circuit once a day.
This cycle is known as the Horary cycle. As the Qi makes its way through the meridians, each meridian in turn, with its associated organ, has a two-hour period during which it is at maximum energy. The Horary Effect is recognizable by measurable increases of Qi within an organ system and meridian during its time of maximum energy. (Qi is, of course, present within every organ system all the time; its level simply fluctuates according to the Horary Cycle.)
If a person moves from one time zone to another, the resultant "jet lag" is a result of the biological Horary clock adjusting to the new time frame. Moving East or West causes this phenomena, but moving due North or South has no effect on the internal clock.
Just as each organ system has a waxing and waning two hour period of maximum energy on the Horary Cycle, there is also the minimum energy effect of the organ on the opposite, side of the cycle, 12 hours apart. An example of this is that while the Lungs have maximum energy from 3-5 AM, the Bladder on the opposite side of the table is at its minimum energy level, 3-5 PM. Qi begins entering the Lungs at 3 AM, and has reached its maximum concentration in the organ at 4 AM. By 5 AM it has done its tonification and repair work and is moving into the Large Intestine channel.
Knowledge of this cycle and its energetic effects is necessary for highly effective acupuncture treatments, as the various organs respond either very well or very little to acupuncture depending on their energetic state at the time of treatment. The Horary Cycle is an excellent diagnostic tool and will be dealt with on the diagnostic level later in this course work.
The flow of energy begins with the Meridian of the Lungs and completes its cycle with the Liver, to commence again at the Lungs, continuing the daily cycle throughout an individual's life span. The reason that the Chinese say that the flow begins with the Lungs, is that they consider the first independent function of a child at birth to be its first breath.
Circulation of Energy Through the Primary Meridians
The Classical Order of Meridians
Arm Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian(5am - 7am )
Leg Yang Ming Stomach Meridian (7am-9am)
Leg Tai Yin Spleen Meridian(9am-11am)
Arm Shao Yin Heart Meridian(11am-1pm)
Arm Tai Yang Small Intestine Meridian(1pm-3pm)
Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian(3pm-5pm)
Leg Shao Yin Kidney Meridian(5pm-7pm)
Arm Jue Yin Pericardium Meridian(7pm-9pm)
Arm Shao Yang Triple Burner Meridian(9pm-11pm)
Leg Shao Yang Gall Bladder Meridian(11pm-1am)
Leg Jue Yin Liver Meridian(1am-3am)
As shown in the above chart, qi is more prevalent in different meridians at different times. For example, from 3am to 5am, meridian qi mainly flows through the Lung Meridian and enters the Large Intestine Meridian at 5am-7am, and then the Stomach Meridian from 7am-9am. In this way, the meridian cycle is continuous as the qi flows through the body. Exterior-Interior relationship in the meridian Meridians are classified into yin meridians and yang meridians according to the yin or yang organs with which they are connected. TCM believes the interior belongs to yin and the exterior belongs to yang. Hence, yin organs are thought to have more internal functions and are called interior organs. The yang organs, on the other hand, are believed to have more external functions and are considered exterior organs. TCM analyzes the physiological function of the body based on the harmonious relationships between yin and yang organs. From these relationships, the interior and exterior relationship theory was developed.
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Diagnosis Methods in TCM
Diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine include four basic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and palpation. The case history, symptoms, and signs gained through those four diagnostic methods are analyzed and generalized to find the causes, nature, and interrelations of the disease, and to provide evidence for the further differentiation of syndromes. The four diagnostic methods are therefore indispensable and important steps in the differentiation and treatment of syndromes.
More about Inspection and Auscultation and Olfaction.
Therapeutic Principles Therapeutic principles are the basis for guiding clinical practice. They include biao (branch) and ben (root), that is, the principle of treating a disease by analyzing both its root cause and symptoms. Thus, factors such as climatic and seasonal conditions, geographic localities, and the patient's personal conditions must be considered in treatment, along with strengthening the zheng qi (the patient's body resistance or anti-pathogenic factors) and dispelling the xie qi (pathogenic factors).
1. The Principle of Biao and Ben Biao and ben are contrasting concepts used to indicate the primary and secondary relationships of contradictory sides in various kinds of diseases and syndromes. For example, body resistance (or anti-pathogenic factors) are considered ben (root) while pathogenic factors are biao (branch); etiology is ben, symptoms is biao; primary disease in ben, secondary disease is biao; pathological changes of internal organs are ben, body surface is biao, etc.
The principle of biao and ben is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat the symptoms at the acute stage and to treat the root of disease at the chronic stage. If biao and ben have the same severity, treatment should then be applies to both ben (root cause) and biao (symptoms).
2. Strengthening the Zheng Qi and Dispelling Xie Qi. Zheng qi is the ability of body resistance against disease. Xie qi are the pathogenic factors. Strengthening the zheng qi and dispelling xie qi are two differing therapeutic principles. Generally, strengthening the zheng qi is used where body resistance is weak and pathogenic factors are not strong; dispelling xie qi is applied to cases which have excessive pathogenic factors, and also an unweakened body resistance. First, strengthening zheng qi and then dispelling xie qi is used in cases where the zheng qi and xie qi are not weakened. The simultaneous strengthening of zheng qi and dispelling of xie qi is applied in cases of weak body resistance where pathogenic factors are in excess. When this principle is employed, one must differentiate between what is primary and what is secondary. In strengthening zheng qi, allow for unforeseen pathogenic factors, and when dispelling pathogenic factors, do not influence the body resistance. It is necessary to make the principles of "strengthening body resistance" and "dispelling pathogenic factors" complement each other.
3. Principle of Treatment Based on Climatic and Seasonal Conditions, Geographic Localities, and Patient's Personal Conditions Disease is the outcome of the struggle between body resistance and pathogenic factors. Therefore, in the treatment of a disease certain factors and conditions should be considered, that is, time (seasonal and climatic conditions), place (geographical location and environment), and personal characteristics (living customs, age, sex, and body constitution). In the clinical application of medicinal herbs these factors are also very important. This is an important therapeutic principle guiding clinical practice in traditional Chinese medicine. Examples follow:
In summer, the surface pores on the body are open or loose, while in winter they are closed and tight. If the body is affected by the same exogenous pathogenic wind and cold both in summer and winter then pungent drugs having a warming property of relieving exterior syndromes should not be administrated in summer, but should be used in large dosage in winter. Because summer is humid, the pathogenic factors which cause diseases in this season always mix with damp. Therefore, medicinal herbs used for summer diseases should be combines with herbs having properties of dissolving or removing damp.
The weather in mountainous regions and on plateaus is dry and cold, medicinal herbs having cold, cool, bitter, or dry properties should not be prescribed in large doses. White the climate in low-lying country is warm and humid, so drugs having cool and damp dissolving properties can also be used in large dosages.
Children have a body constitution of young and tender yang, for which qi and blood are not yet abundant, and a flourishing vitality. The vitality of aged people, however, is declining and qi and blood are insufficient. Therefore both children and elderly patients should not be prescribed drugs having strong properties, nor be given large dosages.
Obese patients are liable to have diseases caused by internal pathogenic damp, so drugs with cool, moist properties must not be given. Most this patients are suffering from illness due to pathogenic fire, thus medicinal herbs with warm dry properties are not suitable.
The same disease, but with different sexes, different physiological characteristics, and different body constitutions should be treated accordingly.
Chinese medical theory, as a product of traditional Chinese culture, reflects an extraordinary sensitivity toward Nature. Throughout the world, traditional Chinese medicine is praised for its holistic attitude in the understanding and curing of disease. With a 2,000-year written tradition, Chinese medical culture has accumulated an impressive body of theoretical and practical experience