Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Truth about Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Anger, Mental Health & Nutrition esp. Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health.
What causes stress?understanding stress management.
What Causes Your Stress? Understanding Stress Management Stress test your life by seeing how each stress factor stacks up.Peter is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. and holds the degree of Doctor of Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health. He is a Nationally Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the American Naturopathic Certification Board.
(B)Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health
Dr. McCarthy explains what happens to a womans body during pregnancy and after child birth and the effects this can have on a womans hormones, health, stress and wellness.
Dr. Peter McCarthy, C.T.N.
Peter is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. He is a Nationally Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the American Naturopathic Certification Board.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression, Women's Health
(c) Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Anger, Mental Health & Nutrition
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Diabetes:diabetes types,insulin factors,diagnosis,symptoms and dietary approach. Diabetes involve with PRAGNANCY,KIDNEY,HEART, and G.I. TRACT.
MichaelSNE quotation:I always thank YouTube and its authors, for their contribution to LIFE INTEREST. All credits must ALWAYS go to them. I have done nothing, except sharing here the experience what I have learnt as a MEDICAL WORKER and as a CONSCIENTIOUS STUDENT all this while.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What is cancer, its development and therapy
B=Radiation Therapy and Cancer Awareness
D= cancer development
Thursday, March 5, 2009
All About Cancer In Mandrin 肿瘤科疾病
• 乳房纤维瘤oo• 癌性腹水o0• 癌性胸腔积液00• 癌症发热00• 视网膜母细胞瘤00• 睑板腺癌00
• 眼睑基底细胞癌00• 口腔血管瘤00口腔癌00• 声带癌00• 腮腺混合瘤00• 黑色素瘤00• 纤维肉瘤00• 软骨瘤00• 骨血管瘤00• 骨化性纤维瘤00• 骨巨细胞瘤 • 骨肉瘤(成骨肉瘤)00• 恶性滋养细胞肿瘤 00• 绒毛膜癌00• 侵蚀性葡萄胎00• 尤文氏瘤00• 宫体癌(子宫内膜癌)00• 睾丸癌00• 嗜铬细胞瘤 00• 多发性骨髓瘤00• 腹膜间皮瘤 00• 肠淋巴肉瘤 00• 原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤00• 胸腺瘤00• 纵隔肿瘤 00• 脊髓肿瘤00• 脑膜瘤 00• 唇 癌00• 乳管内乳头状瘤00• 脂肪瘤 00• 神经纤维瘤(多发性神经纤维瘤)00• 鳞状细胞癌 • 阴茎癌(包茎疮)00 • 良性葡萄胎(怪胎)00• 恶性组织细胞增生病00• 阴茎乳头状瘤(风飘烛)00• 白血病(血证)00• 汗管瘤00• 血管瘤00• 癌症疼痛 • 00骨肿瘤(骨痨)00脑瘤(内风)00• 软组织恶性肿瘤(肉瘤)00• 恶性淋巴瘤(瘰疬)00• 恶性皮肤肿瘤(皮肤癌)00• 皮肤纤维瘤 00• 绒毛膜上皮癌(鬼胎)00• 宫颈癌0五色带)00• 卵巢癌(症癜)00• 乳腺癌(乳岩)00• 前列腺癌(劳淋)00• 膀胱癌(溺血)00
• 肾癌(肾积)00• 大肠癌(结肠癌、直肠癌)00• 胰腺癌(症瘕)00• 原发性肝癌(肝痈)00
• 肺癌(肺积)00 • 胃癌(癍瘕积聚)00 • 食管癌(噎隔) 00• 喉癌(喉疳)00 • 扁桃体癌 00• 舌癌(舌疳) 00• 甲状腺癌(瘿瘤)00 • 六瘤(气、肉、 筋、 血、骨、粉瘤)00 • 甲状腺腺瘤(肉瘿)00• 腮腺癌(腮疮)00 • 上颌窦癌(颧疽) 00• 眼睑癌00
Saturday, February 21, 2009
MICHAElsne MAXIM:Don’t judge a book by its cover or size,many important thing are hidden from the arrogant and unwise!
Friday, 13 Feb 2009
The following article*** is the teaching made by MY TEACHER on the above date, which is now included here(even though I KNEW IT LONG AGO and hinting here and there in my blogging, BUT I HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN THIS AREA, so I had to keep dumb because it involved SATAN AND GOD , a spiritual issues(HOLY SPIRT and EVIL SPIRITS , a CLEAR DISTINCTION gotto to made out first before getting onself decived/trapped into further aggravate/complicate into other problems which sources from the original problems which is too serious, therefore all this while I have to keep myself out. ) for those who are seeking healing from the SPIRIT aspect(Healing from the spirit innermost man downward/ outwards to soul then the physical body , a step beyond SOUL(the role of Psychiatrist) and BODY(the role of doctors/NUTRITIONIST). I testify the authencity of the teaching which I have been witnessing and experiencing for 15 years myself is consistently in the knowledge and life experience of thousands of others.
Have a look of the meaning of the words as in Free Dictionary Online:
1. Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.(My comment: EVEN SPRITUAL CAUSES)
2. Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, and the body on the mind, especially with respect to disease: psychosomatic medicine.
a. The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.
b. The physical part of a person.
c. A corpse or carcass.
1. The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
2. The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
3. The disembodied spirit of a dead human.
4. A human: "the homes of some nine hundred souls" Garrison Keillor.
5. The central or integral part; the vital core: "It saddens me that this network ... may lose its soul, which is after all the quest for news" Marvin Kalb.
6. A person considered as the perfect embodiment of an intangible quality; a personification: I am the very soul of discretion.
7. A person's emotional or moral nature: "An actor is ... often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world but dare not" Alec Guinness.
spir•it The vital principle or animating force within living beings.
2. Incorporeal consciousness.
3 The soul, considered as departing from the body of a person at death.
Spirit The Holy Spirit.
4.(a) A supernatural being, as:
(b)The part of a human associated with the mind, will, and feelings: Though unable to join us today, they are with us in spirit.
Series : “Back to Basic” (Lesson 2)
Theme :
Steps to overcome the affliction of the body.
Objective :
For the enlightenment of the people - the procedures to achieve complete breakthrough.
Prefatory Statement :
Most people suffer puzzles why they cannot get healing for their body? They are stumbled by religious “quacks” that furnish them with information which set before them stumbling blocks. End of the day, the people ended up disenchanted. The Father correct the wrong and set matters right.
The people must have knowledge of the root cause to their physical problem. If you don’t know the cause, how are you to get the breakthrough? If the doctor has no knowledge of the root cause to a patient’s sickness or disease, what medicine can he apply to heal him? By and large, the church and the people of God has no such knowledge. So how do they go about to get breakthrough? Hit and miss, by “faith”. Faith has to do with covenant rather than exercising of mental belief. The church misinterpret the word “faith”. For this reason, the Father will enumerate to us the 7 causes of sicknesses and diseases.
i) Dark Seeds
When you rub shoulders with unbelievers, even dark Christians, tainted brethren, through conversation, dark seeds penetrate your being and lodge in your soul and spirit. Seeds through words. Do not underestimate the potency of these seeds. These simple seeds can cause headache, fever, temperature, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea, body pain, and so forth - irritating problems. Do not take casual conversation lightly. You have to be on the qui vive and watchful whenever you socialize with another. Be conscious of your spirit. Your spirit must be sensitive otherwise you will be patsy (easy prey). Remedy is simple : Ask Holy Spirit to pluck out the dark seeds.
ii) Objects
Satan also cast dark objects, invisible to the physical eyes. Satan can implant objects in a person. An object is larger than a seed so the problem caused by an object commensurate accordingly. Not everyone is a carrier of objects, only the very dark ones, agents of Satan. Severe your ties from agents of Satan to protect yourself from the attack. Once a person becomes an agent of Satan, he becomes a tool of Satan, even to cast pernicious objects into people. If you sense that after a short fellowship with somebody and your whole being feels very abnormal, it is most probable objects have been cast into you.
This is the reason why much earlier, the Father had stridently told you to cut off from the rebels, to protect you from danger. Some objects cause serious diseases, sicknesses, and even death. Some of you tainted by the rebels, you are now suffering some physical problem. This is the result of objects being planted into you through them by Satan. If not for God’s grace, you will not live long. If the Father don’t remove the objects, sooner or later you will surely die. Some are already very sickly. If you are here and still alive, it is because the Power of Life preserve you. Some of you, the Father has yet to remove the objects completely from you. He has a reason. He wants to prove you first. If you still don’t repent but harden your heart, the object will finish you off.
Objects can come in many forms : needles, nails, thread, and so forth. You cannot simply remove these objects as you like. You need a Vessel with certain level of anointing/power to extract and destroy them. Objects cannot be removed by mere words/prayer.
iii) Strongholds
Strongholds that cause sicknesses/diseases are the most difficult to handle. No Minister on earth can handle this case, except the Vessel because the Father is behind him. Difficult because :
a) Such cases implicate the Law, involves legal contract by the forbears with the Devil.
b) To deal with this type of problem, there is stipulation that the status of the Vessel used must be of the category, ‘son-ship’, otherwise cannot handle. Arcane matter. The Vessel must have access to the legal file, able to retrieve information from Heaven. Without authority, Heaven will not release the information. Nobody can bluff. The Vessel also needs the back-up forces, the Cherubim. In matters of strongholds, only the Cherubim are authorized to handle the matter, not even the Seraphim. Unless you have the support of the Cherubim, you cannot do this job. Why Cherubim needed? Because they must be sent to the specific parts of the world where the powers of these strongholds are hidden. Strongholds are connected to certain station or power. By itself, the station radiates power. So you need very powerful Cherubim, sometimes one Cherubim not enough, you need maybe 5 with weapons to blast it.
Before the destruction of Satan’s kingdom, such places were protected by giant demons.
You need to be able to access information from Heaven, and you need the back-up, the Cherubim. What is happening now in the North Pole and South Pole is the consequence of the destruction of the strongholds. These strongholds are so powerful they can spill over to the physical world. There are strongholds within you and there are strongholds without. Interconnected. If you have no authority to handle strongholds, you will surely die. No man can handle except the Father. Some dropped dead because they were killed by the stronghold inside of them. Even the Elders here cannot handle. The Keys inside the Vessel protects him.
iv) Weapons
Weapons are extremely dangerous. There are many types of weapons : sword, arrow, dagger, trident and so forth. Strongholds in people are effective to a certain range but weapons can travel around the globe. Weapons are implanted in man or in the earth and they are under Satan’s control. A lot of weapons are planted under the earth, in the sky, in space. They are like modern missiles. Weapons kill. Why people die of cancer, plagues? Mostly result of the weapons. How do people get cancer? Due to ancestral contract, and when the time comes, the demons will send the weapons, it hit and lodge inside the person, and it exudes the poison inside of that person, circulates in the body. This is why cancer can spread very fast. The weapons must be removed. Many diseases/plagues are through weapons. Blindness can also be caused by weapons. Weapons can literally travel, ‘smart’ weapons, can track you. Every soul has a ‘chassis’ number, and your body parts have the same number. In creative miracles, the parts that are brought in, the numbers must be identical. These weapons can search you out! You cannot erase these numbers. Time of Rapture, God will release something and it will search out the numbers.
v) Unclean Things
Don’t belittle unclean things. They are equally dangerous and they cause a lot of problems. When unclean things activated, it can attack, emit rays of light to hit the person and cause fever, cold, dehydration, cannot sleep, nightmares, aches and so forth. Some can even kill. If you do not remove unclean things, Satan can upgrade it (intensify its potency) to attack you. Some have died because of unclean things. Best way to incriminate you, Satan implant unclean things in your possession. Satan may let you keep that unclean item for one month, maybe one year, and when you have forgotten, then he strike.
Practice this : Whenever you buy anything, even before you take it into your house, ask God to sanctify, remove all the weapons, uncleanness; even the food before you eat it. Anything that enter your house, (clothing, gifts, etc.) ask God to sanctify and remove all the weapons. This is a wise way to sanctify your house.
Unclean things can cause sicknesses/diseases, weakness of body, tiredness, sleepiness. Your house should be free of unclean things. When it is free, you will feel very nice, peaceful, clear. Some unclean jewellery need not be thrown away but some you have to throw because they are too corrupted, and if you keep them, it will harm you.
vi) Deformity
No great man of God on earth but only the Vessel, with the status of ‘son’, God can use to correct deformities.
vii) Natural Physical Weaknesses
Some lack Vitamins, the body lack vitamins, and after a period of time result in sicknesses/diseases. No wisdom. You must eat in wisdom. Eat according to the needs of your body. You need the Holy Spirit to know what to eat according to the needs of your body. Your body breaks down because you do not know what your body needs. Eat more rice, cut down on meat (especially those after 30 years of age). Sea food ok. You shorten your own life, some died because they ate the wrong food. When you eat wrongly, your body affected, weakened, undermined and it leads to sicknesses/diseases, and that kills. But the doctors cannot connect this to the food you ate. When the body is weakened, impaired, it can be attacked with sicknesses/diseases, but if the body is strong, it can resist. Have a regiment. Don’t eat what you like but eat what your body needs. If you eat well, then your body will be strong.
Good also to do some exercise, do some jogging.
When you sit in the Sanctuary of God, you receive Life. Life is like a battery. Battery weak, body will be weak. When you sit in the Sanctuary of God, God charge your ‘life battery’, Holy Spirit recharge you with Life.
i) Pinpoint
First, you need the Holy Spirit to pinpoint the root cause of your problem.
ii) Legal Contravention
You have to ask God which area you have broken the Law and ask God for counsel what to do. If stronghold, you need to search the file, trace back to the origin. You need Holy Spirit’s wisdom what to do, how to plea your case in the Court of Heaven. But if you are not authorized, you cannot do it. Thank God, the Vessel has this authority. (For those tainted ones, God forbid the Vessel to pray for them.)
iii) Standing
Check your own standing. If you are not walking with God, but walking lawlessly, willfully, it will affect your breakthrough. If you have not totally repented of your association with the rebels, no breakthrough, nullified.
After healed, comes back.
i) Unrepentant Sin
Some sin may be long standing . . . . . . maybe 10 years ago, so you have to search your entire being, search your life record. How? HOLY SPIRIT!
ii) Layers Attack
Remove first layer, then next layer. You don’t have the Holy Spirit so you depend on the Vessel. The Vessel is there to help you. Satan stir-up the stronghold, God remove the stronghold, then he stir-up unclean things, and so forth.
iii) Defensive Mechanism
Satan has defensive mechanism. God heal you, you are healed but Satan does not want this healing to take place. Siblings form stronghold like a daisy chain so he does not want to break this circuit
There is only one Power of Healing, The HOLY SPIRIT.
Dark churches promote methods of healing, methods of man. And these are stumbling blocks and barriers to your breakthrough. Those from dark churches have this problem – hard to get healing because the methods of man will come to your mind. Methods of man nullify the Power of the Holy Spirit. (God has destroyed the demons behind these methods of man.)
Holy Spirit function by way of the Law, no other way. God walks in the way of the Law. (Vessel is the Spiritual Lawyer.) You must get rid of the methods of man. Holy Spirit will heal – inspired way (God wants to heal certain individuals), and uninspired way (those who come very casually for prayer). Those who come for prayer must observe due diligence : 7 causes / Procedures / Relapses. You must observe all these before you come to the Vessel for prayer. You have to pray to the Holy Spirit first, petition the Holy Spirit to use the Vessel, to reveal to the Vessel the root cause so that you can get the breakthrough. If you have no breakthrough, it is because you are not prepared. Some are not honest with God, they are not telling the truth.
Holy Spirit must be there, the anointing. You must sense the anointing. God can activate the Keys inside the Vessel anytime, anywhere. (Elders have residual anointing, and once the residue gone, they cannot minister.)
If you apply the above rightly, you will have breakthrough.
Certain major problems, you need time. Example : crippled. Time has to be observed. God works in His time. In everything there is time, there is season. Certain season, God will release certain anointing, God will release the spirit, example : anointing for the crippled, for the legs and so forth. Time factor. Certain cases, Satan has legal hold on you and this is locked.
You have definitely heard and even have some horrible experiences of these quite common NIGHTMARE; fear not by knowing the root cause you can get rid of it .Must read about:
[After reading the article,say a prayer and reject the thought of it]
log in here==>xxxxx
log in here==>知道恶梦起因和摆脱恐惧恶梦的一些经验.
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